SOLD! Successful Precision Manufacturer for Aerospace, Automotive & Food Industries for 45 Years with Optional Real Estate


Opportunity to own and operate a leading New Hampshire-based precision manufacturer. The Company is known for consistently delivering manufacturing excellence at competitive prices. The Company produces close-tolerance, high-precision components for aerospace, automotive and food industries.

The Business has been successfully operated for 45 years and is a leading machine shop based in a 6200 +/- S.F. facility in Southern New Hampshire.  It is a fully integrated shop capable of managing entire projects; focused on client timelines and shipping product to specification.

The Company has an excellent reputation with long-term clients and experienced staff.  The ideal buyer is a company in this space looking to expand and possibly own a facility in New Hampshire.

Detailed Information:

Business Price: $1,025,000

Revenues: $1,800,000

Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E): $500,000 estimate and included in sales price

Seller’s Discretionary Income: $320,000

Reason for Selling: Retirement

Real Estate: TBD

Facilities: The Company is based in a location nearby highways with ample parking.  The property is owned by the Seller and operates in approximately 6200 SF.  The Seller would be willing to to lease or sell the property with the acquisition of the business.

Growth & Expansion: The Company has seen a sharp increase in sales in 2022 and prior to that fairly stable numbers.  There are a number of growth opportunities noted in the confidential package such as investment in a salesperson (currently no outbound sales) and advertising and marketing (next to no funds spent).  

Support & Training: Seller is willing to assist in support and training.

Reason for Selling: Retirement

Due to confidentiality, the Map below does not depict the location of the business.  Please complete the attached NDA to receive the confidential information and related financials.

Real Estate offered through our Broker, Bean Group, 1-800-450-7784.

